Taken from JFK's "Address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association" on April 27, 1961 at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. Source
Download the whole speach here...
The New York Times
October 3, 1963 p. 34
The Intra-Administration War in Vietnam
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2 — The Central Intelligence Agency is getting a very bad press in dispatches from Vietnam to American newspapers and in articles originating in Washington. Like the Supreme Court when under fire, the C.I.A. cannot defend itself in public retorts to criticisms of its activities as they occur. But, unlike the the Supreme Court, the C.I.A. has no open record of its activities on which the public can base a judgment of the validity of the criticisms. Also, the agency is precluded from using the indirect defensive tactic which is constantly employed by all other Government units under critical file.
This tactic is to give information to the press, under a seal of confidence, that challenges or refutes the critics. But the C.I.A. cannot father such inspired articles, because to do so would require some disclosure of its activities. And not only does the effectiveness of the agency depend on the secrecy of its operations. Every President since the C.I.A. was created has protected this secrecy from claimants—Congress or the public through the press, for examples—of the right to share any part of it.
With High Frequency
This Presidential policy has not, however, always restrained other executive units from going confidentially to the press with attacks on C.I.A. operations in their common field of responsibility. And usually it has been possible to deduce these operational details from the nature o the attacks. But the peak of the practice has recently been reached in Vietnam and in Washington. This is revealed almost every day now in dispatches from reporters—in close touch with intra-Administration critics of the C.I.A.—with excellent reputations for reliability.
One reporter in this category is Richard Starnes of the Scripps-Howard newspapers. Today, under a Saigon dateline, he related that, "according to a high United States source here, twice the C.I.A. flatly refused to carry out instructions from Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge . . . [and] in one instance frustrated a plan of action Mr. Lodge brought from Washington because the agency disagreed with it." Among the views attributed to United States officials on the scene, including one described as a "very high American official . . . who has spent much of his life in the service of democracy . . . are the following:
The C.I.A.'s growth was "likened to a malignancy" which the "very high official was not sure even the White House could control . . . any longer." "If the United States ever experiences [an attempt at a coup to overthrow the Government] it will come from the C.I.A. and not the Pentagon." The agency "represents a tremendous power and total unaccountability to anyone." Source
Researcher Anthony Frank writes: A "Washington Post" article on September 22, 1963, about Kennedy’s efforts to oust the Diem-Nhu regime, said that “certain elements of the CIA believe that there is no alternative to the Diem-Nhu axis. These sentiments also exist among American military leaders . . . The brass simply feels that any change in American policy would wreck the war effort. The firmest opponents of change, however, seem to be certain top CIA people. There is strong reason to believe that the recent Times of Vietnam story exposing an alleged CIA coup attempt was actually leaked by CIA dissidents themselves in an attempt to forestall any American attempt to dump Nhu . . . CIA dissidents see positive virtues in Nhu . . . Ambassador Lodge cannot fully trust his own staff members.”
On October 5, 1963, nine days after McCone’s memorandum, the "Washington Post" reported: “John H. Richardson, CIA station chief in South Vietnam, is being recalled to Washington . . . Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge is reported on good authority to have requested Richardson’s replacement . . . Richardson has been one of the key men in development of the U.S. Role of helping the Diem government fight Communist guerrillas . . . There have been persistent reports of differences between Lodge and the CIA staff.”
At a news conference on October 9, 1963, four days after Richardson’s removal, President Kennedy “vigorously defended the role of the Central Intelligence Agency in South Vietnam . . . The President devoted a good share of his 30 minute news conference to the subject of the CIA, a normally sacrosanct matter which the White House never airs in public.”
On November 1, 1963, three weeks before JFK was assassinated, the Diem-Nhu regime was ousted in a coup.
“Diem was defended to the last by the special forces troops trained by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.” Source
The C.I.A.'s growth was 'likened to a malignancy' which the 'very high official was not sure even the White House could control... any longer.' 'If the United States ever experiences [an attempt at a coup to overthrow the Government] it will come from the C.I.A. and not the Pentagon.' The agency 'represents a tremendous power and total unaccountability to anyone.'- Arthur Krock The New York Times October 3, 1963
As early as 1961 they knew that Kennedy was not going to go to war in Southeast Asia. Like Caesar, he is surrounded by enemies and something is underway. But it has no face; yet everyone in the loop knows.- X (Fletcher Prouty) Oliver Stone's "JFK"
Several military historians of the Kennedy era, notably John M. Newman and Fletcher Prouty, have written that JFK was trying to reign in the power of the CIA throughout most of his abbreviated term in office. Some have wondered, in the context of an evolving Cuba policy and a planned withdrawal from Vietnam, both hot spots for CIA hell-raisers, if this may have been a motivation for his murder.....after all of my research on the subject which includes reading multiple investigations from multiple viewpoints...for example - CIA author Gerald Posner's (now the Karzai family lawyer after getting fired for plagiarism) work called "Case Closed" or on the flip side the account from the most highly decorated Special Forces operative James "Bo" Gritz in his book "Called to Serve". I have come to the conclusion that Marine Corps Sniper Craig Roberts nailed the investigation best in his work "Kill Zone". I have included some excerpts from that wonderful body of research below:
Contemporaneous documents suggesting friction between the Agency and JFK are limited, but hardly nonexistent. There is, for example, Kennedy's angry remark following the Bay of Pigs fiasco that he would "tear [the CIA] into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the wind." Although he replaced the Agency's top leadership, he clearly did not follow through completely on his threat. So what did he do?
His first major step, apparently, was to issue NSAM-55 on June 28, 1961. Newman writes, "The crux of NSAM-55, however, was this: Kennedy charged the Joint Chiefs with responsibility for 'defense of the nation in the Cold War' and 'dynamic and imaginative leadership... of military and paramilitary aspects of Cold War programs.' This mandate was _big_ news, since cold war paramilitary operations were--up to this moment--the exclusive fiefdom of the CIA." (JFK and Vietnam, 98)
Here (from Edward B. Claflin, JFK Wants to Know, 68) is NSAM-55 in its entirety:
June 28, 1961
TO: The Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
SUBJECT: Relations of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the President in cold war operations
I wish to inform the Joint Chiefs of Staff as follows with regard to my views of their relations to me in cold war operations:
a. I regard the Joint Chiefs of Staff as my principal military adviser responsible both for initiating advice to me and for responding to requests for advice. I expect their advice to come to me direct and unfiltered.
b. The Joint Chiefs of Staff have a responsibility for the defense of the nation in the cold war similar to that which they have in conventional hostilities. They should know the military and paramilitary forces and resources available to the Department of Defense, verify their readiness, report on their adequacy, and make appropriate recommendations for their expansion and improvement. I look to the Chiefs to contribute dynamic and imaginative leadership in contributing to the success of the military and paramilitary aspects of cold war programs.
c. I expect the Joint Chiefs of Staff to present the military view-point in governmental councils in such a way as to assure that the military factors are clearly understood before decisions are reached. When only the chairman or a single chief is present, that officer must represent the Chiefs as a body taking such preliminary and subsequent actions as may be necessary to assure that he does in fact represent the corporate judgment of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
d. While I look to the Chiefs to present the military factor without reserve or hesitation, I regard them to be more than military men and expect their help in fitting military requirements into the overall context of any situation, recognizing that the most difficult problem in government is to combine all aspects in a unified, effective pattern.
John F. Kennedy
Note that the President took the unusual step of signing this NSAM himself; most others were issued over McGeorge Bundy's signature. Source
I looked at the engagement angle. It was entirely wrong. The wall of the building in which the windows overlooked Dealey Plaza ran east and west. By looking directly down at the best engagement angle which was straight out the window facing south I could see Houston Street. Houston was perpendicular to the wall and ran directly toward my window. This is the street on which the motorcade had approached and would have been my second choice as a zone of engagement. My first choice was directly below the window, at a drastic bend in the street that had to be negotiated by Kennedy's limousine. It would have to slow appreciably, almost to a stop, and when it did, the target would be presented moving at its slowest pace. The last zone of engagement I would pick would be as the limo drove away toward the west and the Grassy Knoll. Here, from what I could see, three problems arose that would influence my shots.
First, the target was moving away at a drastic angle to the right from the window, meaning that I would have to position my body to compete with the wall and a set of vertical water pipes on the left frame of the window to get a shot. This would be extremely difficult for a righthanded shooter.
Second, I would have be ready to fire exactly when the target emerged past some tree branches that obscured the kill zone.
Finally, I would have to deal with two factors at the same time: the curve of the street, and the high-to-low angle formula , a law of physics Oswald would not have known.
Even if I waited for the target to pass the primary and secondary engagement zones, and for some reason decided to engage instead in the worst possible area, I still had to consider the fact that Oswald made his farthest, and most difficult shot, last. I estimated the range for this shot at between 80 and 90 yards. It was this final shot that, according to the Warren Commission, struck Kennedy's head.
As an experienced sniper, something else bothered me. Any sniper knows that the two most important things to be considered in selecting a position are the fields of fire, and a route of escape. You have to have both. It is of little value to take a shot, then not be able to successfully get away to fight another day. Even if the window was a spot that I would select for a hide, I had doubts about my ability to escape afterwards. According to what little I had read, the elevator was stuck on a floor below at the time in question, and only the stairway could have been used as a means of withdrawal. And there were dozens of people potential witnesses below who would be able to identify anyone rushing away from the scene. Not good.
But Oswald was not a trained or experienced military sniper. He was supposed to be little more than some odd-ball with a grudge. And for whatever reason, had decided to buy a rifle and shoot the President of the United States. Or so the Warren Commission would have us believe.- the key problem
Someday all of the witnesses will be gone and the remaining physical evidence will disappear. At that time, the "files" will probably become available to the public. However, like the FBI and CIA files, they will have been "sterilized." The conspiracy and coverup will have succeeded and there will be no true and final solution to the murder.
But a few questions will remain through the ages that will forever threaten to raise the demons of truth before the official version parroted by the government. The most obvious is the simple mechanics of the killing. Could Lee Harvey Oswald, given the 6.5mm Mannlicher-Carcano, fire a minimum of three shots accurately from the 6th floor window of the Book Depository in the time allotted?
This can now be answered. He could not.
According to my friend, Gunnery Sergeant Carlos Hathcock, the former senior instructor for the U.S. Marine Corps Sniper Instructor School at Quantico, Virginia, it could not be done as described by the FBI investigators. Gunny Hathcock, now retired, is the most famous American military sniper in history. In Vietnam he was credited with 93 confirmed kills and a total of over 300 actual kills counting those unconfirmed. He now conducts police SWAT team sniper schools across the country. When I called him to ask if he had seen the Zapruder film, he chuckled and cut me off. "Let me tell you what we did at Quantico," he began. "We reconstructed the whole thing: the angle, the range, the moving target, the time limit, the obstacles, everything. I don't know how many times we tried it, but we couldn't duplicate what the Warren Commission said Oswald did. Now if I can't do it, how in the world could a guy who was a non-qual on the rifle range and later only qualified 'marksman' do it?"
The Marines were not the only ones who attempted to duplicate the shots. According to Victor Ostrovsky, an Israeli Mossad agent, the Mossad also tried to reenact the shooting using the available data. Using their best marksmen and finest equipment, they also found it couldn't be done by one man, using that position, in the time allowed:
"To test their theory, they did a simulation exercise of the presidential cavalcade to see if expert marksmen with far better equipment than Oswald's could hit a moving target from the recorded distance of 88 yards. They couldn't...The Mossad had every film taken of the Dallas Assassination. Pictures of the area, the topography, aerial photographs, everything. Using mannequins, they duplicated the presidential cavalcade over and over again. Professionals will do a job in the same way. If I'm going to use a high powered rifle, there are very few places I'd work from, and ideally I'd want a place where I held the target for the longest possible time, where I could get closest to it, but still create the least disturbance. Based on that, we picked a few likely places, and we had more than one person doing the shooting from more than one angle....During the simulation, the Mossad, using better, more powerful equipment, would aim their rifles, which were set up on tripods, and when the moment came they'd say "bang" over the loudspeakers and a laser direction finder would show where the people in the car would have been hit, and the bullet exits. It was just an exercise, but it showed that it was impossible to do what Oswald was supposed to have done."
And this simple fact Oswald could not have done it is the Achilles heal in the government's case. For the lack of planning and accomplishing two simple things 1) spending a few dollars more to buy a better rifle, equipped with an accurate sight, which was capable of the rate of fire alluded to, and; 2) finding a dupe that could shoot ...a secret kingdom, the Entity , may someday fall.
Within two days of Kennedy's death, Johnson rescended the order to withdraw troops from Vietnam by signing National Security Action Memorandum No. 273 which had been written in draft form by William Bundy for LBJ's signature as President on the 21st of November, the day before Kennedy's execution had moved into the White House, and had evicted Jacqueline Kennedy and her staff. JFK's famous wooden rocking chair was removed from the Oval Office and the White House on Monday, the very day of the funeral.
Less than one month later, General Maxwell Taylor and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara reported to Johnson that the situation in Vietnam was so grave that two things were immediately needed: American combat troops in great numbers, and a huge clandestine effort on the part of the intelligence community.
Those at the top tier of the organizational chart, their jobs secure now that "the king was dead," were now in position to profit financially. The coup d' etat had worked almost perfectly.
Almost. But the evidence that continues to surface proves otherwise. Fletcher Prouty sums it up: "It's one thing to kill somebody. It's another to hide the fact that you did it, or you hired someone to do it. And that's more difficult. That's why they used the device of the Warren Commission report to cover up their hired killers. Now who would hire the killers? And who had thepower to put this report out over the top of the whole story? You see, you're dealing with a very high echelon of power. It doesn't necessarily reside in any government. It doesn't necessarily reside in any corporate institution. But it seems to reside in a blend of the two. Otherwise, how could you get the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Dallas police, the media all of the media, not just one or two newspapers to participate in the coverup? None of the media will print the story, other than Oswald killed the President of the United States."
The means of the coverup in 1963 were well-planned and well executed. What is remarkable is not only the fact that it has remained intact for so many years, but that any effort made in exposing what really happened is still venomously opposed by not only those in power, but by the media. Even when President George Bush made a public announcement in 1992 (following a public outcry after the release of Oliver Stone's JFK) that he would open the long-sealed Warren Commission records, he changed his mind a few weeks later. There was no explanation and the records remain sealed. And as late as August, 1992, U.S. News and World Report published a feature article espousing the credibility and virtues of the Warren Commission.
The "simple homicide investigation" that began in Dealey Plaza had placed me on a trail that led into a maze of mirrors and mirages that would eventually expose me to a force more sinister, more powerful than the Mafia, the CIA, the Pentagon, Congress even the White House. When I entered the narrow door that led into the world of spooks and spies and Third World Wars, I began a journey that would take me to the summit of the highest mountain in the very depths of Hell. And when I arrived there, I found what I felt to be the real reason John F. Kennedy was murdered.
Many motives have been offered through the years for the death of John F. Kennedy. A few, upon study, are valid up to a point. Of these, there are:
1. The anti-Castro Cubans, who, assisted by former CIA controllers, avenged the Bay of Pigs debacle;
2. The CIA, who if Kennedy was eliminated, would remain intact instead of being "scattered to the winds" as Kennedy threatened;
3. The Mafia, who wished to "get rid of the Kennedy boys" who were causing them so many problems, and finally,
4. The Military/Industrial/Banking complex that stood so much to gain from the escalating war in Vietnam from which Kennedy had announced the U.S. was withdrawing.
5. Lyndon Johnson and his Texas backers who had so much to gain from the War in Vietnam and the power the presidency brings.
But even though the plot would, to a certain extent, require the cooperation of selected elements of each of these entities, the most important motive is not on this list.
Kennedy's death could not be attributed solely to the Cubans, the CIA, the Mafia, or the M/I/B complex. Instead, the reason behind the decision to eliminate the president was something far more important to the conspirators than revenge or war profits:
President John F. Kennedy, like Lincoln before him, was about to interfere with the progress of the master plan. After two hundred years of alternating victories and setbacks for the international banking cabal, and just when they had total power within their grasp by way of controlling the nation's economy, Kennedy planned to exterminate the Federal Reserve System, then put the country back on the Gold Standard. In this action he would put the country back on a cash-and-carry basis, get away from deficit spending, and eventually eliminate the national debt as had Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln before him when they did the same to the two Rothschild-organized central banks!
In 1963, by presidential order of John F. Kennedy (EO 11 and EO 110), the United States Treasury began printing over $4 billion worth of "United States Notes" to replace Federal Reserve Notes. When a sufficient supply of these notes entered circulation, the Federal Reserve Notes and hence, the Federal Reserve Board would have been declared obsolete. This done, the notes printed and issued by the Federal Reserve Board would have been removed from circulation as they wore out and would no longer be issued. This, in effect, would end the control of the international investment bankers over the U.S. government and the American
For those in doubt, a few of these bills can still be found. They can be recognized easily by the distinctive red seal on the front of the bill in lieu of the green seal of the Federal Reserve Notes. At the top of the bills, above the portrait of the $2 dollar and $5 dollar notes that were printed, are the words "United States Note." No mention is made of the Federal Reserve. The series is 1963 and C. Douglas Dillon's signature appears as Secretary of the Treasury. The reverse of these bills is identical to the Federal Reserve notes.
It can now be seen why Kennedy was murdered. Should his plan have been permitted to succeed, the international banking cabal and the Rothschild plan would have been set back indefinitely. This prospect was unacceptable. The only solution would be to remove Kennedy from office immediately before he could do irreparable damage to everything the generations of globalists had built. It was a matter of survival.
For the shadow organizations who had plotted Lincoln's assassination, the takeover of the nation's money system, the assassination attempts of Fidel Castro by the ZR/RIFLE team, the coups against Allende of Chile, Arbenz of Guatemala, and Mossadegh of Iran, the elimination of over 25,000 Vietnamese during Operation Phoenix, and other hits carried out during the CIA's Executive Action operations, it was "business as usual"
The decision was made, the orders given. The result was an ambush in Dealey Plaza by assassins provided by the same organizations who had served the money powers for decades: selected cells within the clandestine intelligence community. The same people, under the same leadership, that maneuvered around the law to accomplish whatever they were called upon to do by The Power, all under the guise of National Security, were on center stage for another operation to eliminate a threat to their private agenda: John F. Kennedy.
No entity lower than the Rothschild Plan conspirators could have ordered such an operation, planned it, executed it, then managed to cover it up for three decades. Neither the anti-Castro Cuban community, nor the Mafia, the military, or even the industrialists could have manipulated the White House (Lyndon Johnson), the Warren Commission, the CIA, and the FBI in the investigation of the assassination, then continued to ensure an ongoing program to suppress evidence, eliminate witnesses, and hide from the public the original investigative records until the year 2029. No single individual, governmental agency, or administration has that amount of continuous power.
That kind of omnipotence resides solely in The Power Elite.Lincoln - note demise of Czar not many years later via the same power players:
What is not history at least schoolroom history as taught to our children is the fact that the Rothschilds attempted to finance both sides of the war. But Abraham Lincoln, who could see exactly what was happening, refused to borrow money from the international bankers. Instead, he found a friend and supporter in the one country in Europe not controlled by the Rothschilds:
Russia. The Czar, by way of his minister in Washington, pledged support against the British and French who, he assured Lincoln, were the driving forces behind the secession of the South and her subsequent financing. The Russians intervened by providing naval forces for the Union blockade of the South in European waters, and by letting both countries know that if they attempted to join the Confederacy with military forces, they would also have to go to war with Russia. This was a prospect neither country wanted.
Lincoln still needed to finance the Union cause. But instead of borrowing from the international investment bankers by way of a privately owned national central bank, he instead created "Greenbacks," which were printed by the U.S. Treasury as specified in the original articles of the Constitution.
In retaliation, England sent 8,000 troops to Canada as a show of force for the South, and France dispatched troops to Mexico to bolster emperor Maximillian (who was French). Both efforts were designed in concert to show Lincoln that he was outflanked by the European money powers.
But the show of force, thanks to the Russian threat, failed to sway Lincoln in his handling of financial matters. He still refused to borrow money from the bankers, who he knew would pass the note on to the European banks of the Rothschilds. The Rothschilds, having failed to influence the Federal government with the show of military force, sent a letter to the New York bankers in July, 1862 that addressed the threat of Lincoln's greenbacks to their master plan and mentioned the use of selfgenerated bonds to secure a federal debt to the bankers:
"The great debt that capitalists will see to it is made out of the war must be used to control the volume of money. To accomplish this the bonds must be used as a banking basis.
"We are not waiting for the Secretary of the Treasury [Salmon P. Chase] to make this recommendation to Congress.
"It will not do to allow the greenback, as it is called, to circulate as money any length of time, for we cannot control them. But we can control the bonds and through them the bank issues."
The following February the Rothschilds did succeed. By way of their agent, Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase, the bankers managed to force a bill through Congress creating a central bank. This act, called the National Banking Act, created a federally chartered bank that had the power to issue U.S. Bank Notes. The notes, designated legal tender by the act, were not backed by gold but by debt, and were loaned to the government at interest.
Lincoln continued to fight against the central bank, and by 1865 was beginning to make inroads to its demise. It is now believed that his anticipated success in influencing Congress to limit the life of the Bank of the United States to just the war years was the motivating factor behind his assassination. Modern researchers have uncovered evidence of a massive conspiracy that links Lincoln's Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton, to John Wilkes Booth, his eight co-conspirators, and over seventy government officials and businessmen involved in the conspiracy to the Bank of Rothschild. When Booth's diary was recovered by Stanton's troops, it was delivered to Stanton. When it was later produced during the investigation, eighteen pages had been ripped out. These pages, containing the aforesaid names, were later found in the attic of one of Stanton's descendants.
The evidence suggests that Lincoln, who posed a roadblock to the master plan of world domination first developed by Amschel Rothschild and being carried out by his sons, was removed from office by a pistol shot. The assassin, portrayed as a crazed lone gunman with a few radical friends, escaped by way of the single bridge in Washington not guarded by Stanton's troops. He was later tracked down, located hiding in a barn, and immediately murdered by troops under Stanton's control and Stanton certified that the murdered man was Booth.
It is now believed that a dupe was used and that the real John Wilkes Booth escaped with Stanton's assistance. It should be noted that Mary Todd Lincoln, upon hearing of her husband's death, began screaming "Oh, that dreadful house!" Earlier historians felt that this spontaneous utterance concerned Lincoln's occupancy of the White House. This author believes the reference was to Thomas W. House, a gunrunner, financier, and agent of the Rothschilds during the Civil War who was linked to the anti-Lincoln, pro-banker interests. Thomas W. House was the father of "Colonel" Edward Mandell House, who later became the key player in the election of Woodrow Wilson and the passage of the Federal Reserve Act.
Lincoln again warned the American people: "The money power preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me, and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the republic is destroyed."- tools of the trade:
The foot soldiers for the globalists, as we have seen, have consistently been the clandestine intelligence services. In modern times, the clandestine services in this country have ranged from General William "Wild Bill" Donovan's Office of Strategic Services (OSS), through Allen Dulles's follow-on Central Intelligence Group (CIG), to the Central Intelligence Agency. Accompanying these organizations, when the scope of a given operation exceeded the assets of the covert community, were elements of small, elite military organizations such as the U.S. Army Special Forces, U.S. Air Force Air Commandos, and U.S. Navy SEALs.
And when "National Security" was considered to be a cover for an operation, no law or morals stood in the way of the mission. From the ruins of of Nazi Germany, where war criminals were spirited away from prosecution by the thousands in such covert operations as Paperclip and Omega and by certain high-ranking individuals within the OSS (each supplied by the CFR), to traitorous handling of the war in Korea through the U.N., to the manipulations and assassinations of the leadership of Third World countries during the Cold War Years, through the financial and political manipulations of the Vietnam War, Watergate, Iran/Contra, Desert Shield/Storm, Somalia, and Bosnia, to today, the moral values of the shadow warriors and the entities that control them have been shown to be non-existent.
And in the years following World War II, through the Cold War, the financing of the rebuilding of Germany and Japan, and all of the above stepping stones of history, the same powers and covert organizations have continued to move in one direction: toward more power and influence. It did not matter if crimes had to be perpetrated and covered up, whether the players violated every law and moral code written, whether men supplied by the masses, such as those who fought in the Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam, had to be sacrified to meet the goals of the secret agenda, as long as the final objective was attained. And herein lies the key that opens the door to the mysteries of the present, for no one can remain a criminal without eventual discovery. And when that discovery occurs, it is like opening Pandora's Box.- excerpts from "Kill Zone" by Craig Roberts (USMC Sniper in Vietnam) also author of "One Shot One Kill".
The person who actually wrote the Warren Report on the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Dr. Rudolph August "Otto" Winnaker, was described in the "Who's Who in the CIA" as an analyst for the wartime OSS, historian in the U.S. War Department from 1945-49 and then Chief of the Historical Division of the Pentagon. What is not listed is that Dr. Winnaker was one of 26 official historians for Hitler's Third Reich! The CIA-managed investigative teams of the Warren Commission wrote internal memoranda criticizing every line of the Warren Commission Report in five investigative areas, because they knew that even their own trussed-up investigation wouldn't support the conclusions of Mr. Winnaker!- Pg 395-396 Called to Serve by James "Bo" Gritz
The parallel was not lost on politically aware observers as the Iran/Contra scandal began to unfold and the Congressional Joint Committee hired former CIA Station Chief in Saigon, Thomas Polgar, to head up their "investigation." Nor was it all that startling that the Tower Committee reporting on the Iran/Contra scandal would be headed up by a man that Congress determined was not fit to serve as Secretary of Defense; a man who had also spared no effort in 1962 as a Texas Senator to pass all waivers in order to bring Marina Oswald into the United States as soon as possible! The sad thing is that the majority of the American people are not cognizant of these facts, and these continuing connections to deceit and corruption.
Your first reaction may be the same as mine — an addition to the several dozen books already written, struggling with the obvious fiction of the Warren Report! This is not the case, however. You should notice the word “Official” in the sub-title. While working on his book “Gestapo Chief,” the biography of Heinrich Muller, Gregory Douglas became acquainted, and then good friends, with Robert T. Crowley, former Assistant Deputy Director of Clandestine Operations of the CIA. Crowley, or “Crow” as he was known within the CIA, had been a close associate and supervisor of Muller when he was brought into the CIA following WWII.
After his retirement and increasing age with an approaching chest operation where cancer was suspected, Crowley turned over his files to the author, Gregory Douglas, with the understanding that they were not to be opened, or used until after his death. On Tuesday, 10 October 2000, on page 6, the Washington Post reported the death of “Robert Trumbull Crowley, 76, a senior CIA official…”
Douglas was now free to use the Crowley papers. This astounding book is the result: “The Official Assassination of John F. Kennedy”! To a major extent it is the reproduction of much of Robert T. Crowley’s files in the typewritten print of those files, with Crowley’s underscoring and emphasis on them, along with the explanations by Gregory Douglas. The book is so astounding that many may find themselves questioning the authenticity of even this original file material as I did. Therefore I refer you to two other sources:
1) The New York Times of 3 October 1963 editorial page (50 days previous to the assassination of JFK) carried a column by the well-known journalist Arthur Krock, “The Intra-Administration War in Vietnam” in which he described the CIA in Viet-Nam refusing to carry out orders from the President delivered to them by Ambassador Lodge. In closing this column Krock says, “If the United States ever experiences an attempt at a coup to overthrow the Government it will come from the CIA and not the Pentagon.”
2) In 1973 Col L. Fletcher Prouty, USAF (Ret), after retirement from nine years as the liaison officer for the Pentagon with the CIA, wrote a book, “The Secret Team — The CIA and its Allies in control of the United States and the World.”
These two items by independent authors overlap and support what you will find in this book. It was the compatibility of what Arthur Krock and Fletcher Prouty, independent authors, had written that gave me assurance that I was reading authentic documents.
In the review of CIA “Operation Zipper” in this book you will see CIA agents James J. Angleton and Robert T. Crowley planning the assassination of the president, beginning in early March of 1963. Before the end of March, according to the documents, J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI, Lyndon B. Johnson, Vice President, and General Lyman Lemnitzer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had been brought into the plan along with the Chicago Mafia and Israeli Mossad. The Chicago Mafia’s recruitment of the Corsican Mafia assassins in Marseille, France, alerted French Intelligence that a political assassination was planned in the U.S. and they alerted the U.S. Embassy, who apparently alerted no one. LBJ was concerned that he was also targeted and had to be assured by J. Edgar Hoover that he was not a target. It seems clear Lee Harvey Oswald was strictly the “patsy” he claimed to be.
Why and how did the CIA persuade so many high government officials to join them in a coup to overthrow the elected U.S. government? It is all here! Crowley was convinced the “Zipper” project was in the best interest of the country! You will find it helpful to review your history of the Cuban Bay of Pigs fiasco and the Cuban missile crisis, which brought about a fatal fracture of trust between the President and his intelligence agency! Also the CIA had discovered that via his brother, Robert Kennedy, and the senior KGB agent in the Washington USSR Embassy, the President had established a private line of communication with Nikita Khrushchev which the CIA considered treasonous.
Where JFK had planned to reduce our commitments and involvement in Viet-Nam, LBJ engineered the Gulf of Tonkin incident and expanded them. JFK was strongly opposing the Israeli development of nuclear weapons — LBJ was complacent and ignored these developments. Source
Barry Seal, “the biggest drug smuggler in American history”, while working for the CIA, was funneling the immense amount of cocaine of the Iran-Contra Operation right through Mena, Arkansas, under the watch of Bill Clinton. The purpose of the Iran Contra affair was to accumulate funds to secretly finance the Mujahideen, particularly Gulbuddin Hekmetyar, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, and later bin Laden.- Mad Cow Morning News
Again, this was the chief strategy of the Neoconservatives. So it ties into the other video I recommended, the Power of Nightmares. The whole thing was headed by George Bush Sr.
Well, it turns out Barry Seal had been recruited at the age of seventeen, along with Lee Oswald, by CIA agent David Ferrie, at a two week summer camp of the Louisiana Civil Air Patrol in 1957. David Ferrie is the fiend and pedophile portrayed by Joe Pecci in Oliver Stone’s JFK.
Hopsicker also has a very interesting movie about Seal, called American Drug Lords: Ties to JFK:
A career U.S. intelligence agent, Ferrie was a participant in the assassination of President Kennedy, and the first focal point of Jim Garrison’s investigation of Kennedy’s murder. The assassination team went by the name of Operation 40, established by Allen Dulles, which played a major role in the Bay of Pigs invasion. The group was presided over by then-Vice President Richard M. Nixon and recruited former Batista-regime intelligence officers and mob henchmen, mercenaries like Frank Sturgis and CIA case officer Howard Hunt, who would later become one of the Watergate burglars. As revealed by John Hankey, in his film JFK II, at a 1975 Senate re-investigation into the case, William Colby, as head of CIA, testified that George Bush Sr. and Hunt headed the Kennedy assassination, but said that “…they weren’t really in charge. They were just taking orders from civilians like Allen Dulles and the Rockefellers.” Colby was then promptly dismissed, and George Bush was appointed to head the CIA in his place.
Source - 1, 2, 3
Compilation of writings on the death of JFK...
On June 4, 1963, a little known attempt was made to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest. On that day President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. Mr. Kennedy's order gave the Treasury the power "to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury." This meant that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury's vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation. In all, Kennedy brought nearly $4.3 billion in U.S. notes into circulation. The ramifications of this bill are enormous.
With the stroke of a pen, Mr. Kennedy was on his way to putting the Federal Reserve Bank of New York out of business. If enough of these silver certificats were to come into circulation they would have eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve notes. This is because the silver certificates are backed by silver and the Federal Reserve notes are not backed by anything. Executive Order 11110 could have prevented the national debt from reaching its current level, because it would have given the gevernment the ability to repay its debt without going to the Federal Reserve and being charged interest in order to create the new money. Executive Order 11110 gave the U.S. the ability to create its own money backed by silver.
After Mr. Kennedy was assassinated just five months later, no more silver certificates were issued. The Final Call has learned that the Executive Order was never repealed by any U.S. President through an Executive Order and is still valid. Why then has no president utilized it? Virtually all of the nearly $6 trillion in debt has been created since 1963, and if a U.S. president had utilized Executive Order 11110 the debt would be nowhere near the current level. Perhaps the assassination of JFK was a warning to future presidents who would think to eliminate the U.S. debt by eliminating the Federal Reserve's control over the creation of money. Mr. Kennedy challenged the government of money by challenging the two most successful vehicles that have ever been used to drive up debt - war and the creation of money by a privately-owned central bank. His efforts to have all troops out of Vietnam by 1965 and Executive Order 11110 would have severely cut into the profits and control of the New York banking establishment. As America's debt reaches unbearable levels and a conflict emerges in Bosnia that will further increase America's debt, one is force to ask, will President Clinton have the courage to consider utilizing Executive Order 11110 and, ifso, is he willing to pay the ultimate price for doing so?
Executive Order 11110 AMENDMENT OF EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 10289
By virtue of the authority vested in me by section 301 of title 3 of the United States Code, it is ordered as follows:
Section 1. Executive Order No. 10289 of September 19, 1951, as amended, is hereby further amended-
By adding at the end of paragraph 1 thereof the following subparagraph (j):
(j) The authority vested in the President by paragraph (b) of section 43 of the Act of May 12,1933, as amended (31 U.S.C.821(b)), to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury not then held for redemption of any outstanding silver certificates, to prescribe the denomination of such silver certificates, and to coin standard silver dollars and subsidiary silver currency for their redemption
and --
Byrevoking subparagraphs (b) and (c) of paragraph 2 thereof.
Sec. 2. The amendments made by this Order shall not affect any act done, or any right accruing or accrued or any suit or proceeding had or commenced in any civil or criminal cause prior to the date of this Order but all such liabilities shall continue and may be enforced as if said amendments had not been made.
John F. Kennedy The White House, June 4, 1963.
Of course, the fact that both JFK and Lincoln met the the same end is a mere coincidence.
Abraham Lincoln's Monetary Policy, 1865 (Page 91 of Senate document 23.)
Money is the creature of law and the creation of the original issue of money should be maintained as the exclusive monopoly of national Government.
Money possesses no value to the State other than that given to it by circulation.
Capital has its proper place and is entitled to every protection. The wages of men should be recognised in the structure of and in the social order as more important than the wages of money.
No duty is more imperative for the Government than the duty it owes the People to furnish them with a sound and uniform currency, and of regulating the circulation of the medium of exchange so that labour will be protected from a vicious currency, and commerce will be facilitated by cheap and safe exchanges.
The available supply of Gold and Silver being wholly inadequate to permit the issuance of coins of intrinsic value or paper currency convertible into coin in the volume required to serve the needs of the People, some other basis for the issue of currency must be developed, and some means other than that of convertibility into coin must be developed to prevent undue fluctuation in the value of paper currency or any other substitute for money of intrinsic value that may come into use.
The monetary needs of increasing numbers of People advancing towards higher standards of living can and should be met by the Government. Such needs can be served by the issue of National Currency and Credit through the operation of a National Banking system .The circulation of a medium of exchange issued and backed by the Government can be properly regulated and redundancy of issue avoided by withdrawing from circulation such amounts as may be necessary by Taxation, Redeposit, and otherwise. Government has the power to regulate the currency and creditof the Nation.
Government should stand behind its currency and credit and the Bank deposits of the Nation. No individual should suffer a loss of money through depreciation or inflated currency or Bank bankruptcy.
Government possessing the power to create and issue currency and creditas money and enjoying the right to withdraw both currency and credit from circulation by Taxation and otherwise need not and should not borrow capital at interest as a means of financing Governmental work and public enterprise. The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credit needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of the consumers. The privilege of creating and issueing money is not only the supreme prerogative of Government, but it is the Governments greatest creative opportunity.
By the adoption of these principles the long felt want for a uniform medium will be satisfied. The taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest, discounts, and exchanges. The financing of all public enterprise, the maintenance of stable Government and ordered progress, and the conduct of the Treasury will become matters of practical administration. The people can and will be furnished with a currency as safe as their own Government. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity. Democracy will rise superior to the money power.
Some information on the Federal Reserve The Federal Reserve, a Private Corporation One of the most common concerns among people who engage in any effort to reduce their taxes is, "Will keeping my money hurt the government's ability to pay it's bills?" As explained in the first article in this series, the modern withholding tax does not, and wasn't designed to, pay for government services. What it does do, is pay for the privately-owned Federal Reserve System.
Black's Law Dictionary defines the "Federal Reserve System" as, "Network of twelve central banks to which most national banks belong and to which state chartered banks may belong. Membership rules require investment of stock and minimum reserves."
Privately-owned banks own the stock of the Fed. This was explained in more detail in the case of Lewis v. United States, Federal Reporter, 2nd Series, Vol. 680, Pages 1239, 1241 (1982), where the court said:
Each Federal Reserve Bank is a separate corporation owned by commercial banks in its region. The stock-holding commercial banks elect two thirds of each Bank's nine member board of directors.
Similarly, the Federal Reserve Banks, though heavily regulated, are locally controlled by their member banks. Taking another look at Black's Law Dictionary, we find that these privately owned banks actually issue money:
Federal Reserve Act. Law which created Federal Reserve banks which act as agents in maintaining money reserves, issuing money in the form of bank notes, lending money to banks, and supervising banks. Administered by Federal Reserve Board (q.v.).
The FED banks, which are privately owned, actually issue, that is, create, the money we use. In 1964 the House Committee on Banking and Currency, Subcommittee on Domestic Finance, at the second session of the 88th Congress, put out a study entitled Money Facts which contains a good description of what the FED is:
The Federal Reserve is a total money-making machine.It can issue money or checks. And it never has a problem of making its checks good because it can obtain the $5 and $10 bills necessary to cover its check simply by asking the Treasury Department's Bureau of Engraving to print them.
As we all know, anyone who has a lot of money has a lot of power. Now imagine a group of people who have the power to create money. Imagine the power these people would have. This is what the Fed is.
No man did more to expose the power of the Fed than Louis T. McFadden, who was the Chairman of the House Banking Committee back in the 1930s. Constantly pointing out that monetary issues shouldn't be partisan, he criticized both the Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt administrations. In describing the Fed, he remarked in the Congressional Record, House pages 1295 and 1296 on June 10, 1932, that:
Mr. Chairman,we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government Board, has cheated the Government of the United States and he people of the United States out of enoughmoney to pay the national debt. The depredations and the iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks acting together have cost this country enough money to pay the national debt several times over. This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the UnitedStates; has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government. It has done this through the maladministration of that law by which the Federal Reserve Board, and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it.
Some people think the Federal reserve banks are United States Government institutions. They are not Government institutions. They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders. In that dark crew of financial pirates there are those who would cut a man's throat to get a dollar out of his pocket; there are those who send money into States to buy votes to control our legislation; and there are those who maintain an international propaganda for the purpose of deceiving us and of wheedling us into the granting of new concessions which will permit them to cover up their past misdeeds and set again in motion their gigantic train of crime. Those 12 private credit monopolies were deceitfully and disloyally foisted upon this country by bankers who camehere from Europe and who repaid us for our hospitality by undermining our American institutions.
The Fed basically works like this: The government granted its power to create money to the Fed banks. They create money, then loan it back to the government charging interest. The government levies income taxes to pay the interest on the debt. On this point, it's interesting to note that the Federal Reserve act and the sixteenth amendment, which gave congress the power to collect income taxes, were both passed in 1913. The incredible power of the Fed over the economy is universally admitted. Some people, especially in the banking and academic communities, even support it. On the other hand, there are those, both in the past and in the present, that speak out against it. One of these men was President John F. Kennedy. His efforts were detailed in Jim Marrs' 1990 book, Crossfire:
Another overlooked aspect of Kennedy's attempt to reform American society involves money. Kennedy apparently reasoned that by returning to the constitution, which states that only Congress shall coin and regulate money, the soaring national debt could be reduced by not paying interest to the bankers of the Federal Reserve System, who print paper money then loan it to the government at interest. He moved in this area on June 4, 1963, by signing Executive Order 11,110 which called for the issuance of $4,292,893,815 in United States Notes through the U.S. Treasury rather than the traditional Federal Reserve System. That same day, Kennedy signed a bill changing the backing of one and two dollar bills from silver to gold, adding strength to the weakened U.S. currency.
Kennedy's comptroller of the currency, James J. Saxon, had been at odds with the powerful Federal Reserve Board for some time, encouraging broader investment and lending powers for banks that were not part of the Federal Reserve system. Saxon also had decided that non-Reserve banks could underwrite state and local general obligation bonds, again weakening the dominant Federal Reserve banks.
A number of "Kennedy bills" were indeed issued - the author has a five dollar bill in his possession with the heading "United States Note" - but were quickly withdrawn after Kennedy's death. According to information from the Library of the Comptroller of the Currency, Executive Order 11,110 remains in effect today, although successive administrations beginning with that of President Lyndon Johnson apparently have simply ignored it and instead returned to the practice of paying interest on Federal Reserve notes. Today we continue to use Federal Reserve Notes, and the deficit is at an all-time high.
The point being made is that the IRS taxes you pay aren't used for government services. It won't hurt you, or the nation, to legally reduce or eliminate your tax liability.
Related Articles:
JFK vs Federal Reserve
The JFK Myth
by G. Edward Griffin Source
On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business. The Christian Common Law Institute has exhaustively researched this matter through the Federal Register and Library of Congress and can now safely conclude that this Executive Order has never been repealed, amended, or superceded by any subsequent Executive Order. In simple terms, it is still valid.
When President John Fitzgerald Kennedy - the author of Profiles in Courage -signed this Order, it returned to the federal government, specifically the Treasury Department, the Constitutional power to create and issue currency -money - without going through the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank.
President Kennedy's Executive Order 11110 [the full text is displayed further below] gave the Treasury Department the explicit authority: "to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury." Source
Gentlemen, unless you get me to Washington, you can'te get a fair shake out of me...My life is in danger here."- Jack "Ruby" Rubenstein to Chief Justice Earl Warren, Rep. Gerald Ford and Leon Jaworski.
"Well, you won't ever see me again. I tell you that.... A whole new form of government is going to take over the country, and I know I won't live to see you another time.... I want to tell the truth, and I can't tell it here."
For more information and research...
The Torbitt Document: Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal